Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dirty Garden Fingers

     It is time to get dirty! My raised garden is already in and I have a few plants left over to put somewhere..... I'm thinking the garden will do well this year. The garden last year didn't do that great. I think the compost (au natural from a horse) was too hot and the garden was over watered. 

     I'll have a small variety, but it will be enough for the room I'm working with. I was surprised to find cantaloupe and Elephant Ears in the garden. I know I threw cantaloupe leftovers in the garden for fertilizer over the year, but how the Elephant Ears got in there, I don't have a clue. Elephant Ears grow from bulbs.....

Hot Jalapenos
Yellow Summer Squash
Volunteer Cantaloupe! x3
Volunteer Elephant Ears!
     As far as the jalapenos, I'll have to buy more. I wanted to make my Uncle Pete's jalapeno poppers but didn't plant mild, I planted HOT.
     I've been searching garden plans and found a couple layouts that I plan to follow when I finally have the room. If you've ever read "Peter Rabbit" you'll know what the garden might look like.   Beatrix Potter, the English author and illustrator of the book and her gardens are English themed. This will mostly be for herbs and plants that I'd plant a small amount of. I'll have a bigger garden of course, for mass production and canning/freezing the harvest.


     I came across a wonderful blog this morning. It has some detailed steps on how to make raised beds, quick and easy! This may be in my future plans as well. DIY Raised Garden Bed.
     Oh how I love to play in the dirt. Free therapy that is a harvest all of its own.  It makes me reminisce of my childhood where gardening was an everyday thing at the farm.